More about Officership
Season 2 of More about Officership is an ongoing conversation about calling, leadership, and ministry in The Salvation Army. Our goal is to encourage and equip leaders for ministry.
More about Officership
TLJ 4 | 8min devotion for busy leaders | The Lord’s Prayer, pt 4. Forgiveness
Eva Burrows College
Season 1
Episode 4
In this episode, we tackle the topic of forgiveness.
Jesus mentions many different topics and ideas in the Lord’s prayer, and it’s important to recognize that Jesus is focused on the action of prayer and not expounding on the topics included within it.
For that, we will need to read the rest of the gospel of Matthew and follow Christ’s teachings – which we will explore in this episode.
This episode covers:
- Receiving forgiveness,
- Forgiving others,
- What Jesus taught on forgiveness within the Gospel of Matthew, and
- How forgiveness works in unhealthy situations.
This episode of More about Officership is brought to you by our leadership resource: the Shape of Calling, a 36-page workbook design to help you explore, understand, and responding to calling.
You can get your free copy today https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/comealive